Soma Phoenix is a dedicated professional in psychedelic research and integration consultancy. Founder of www.psillygirls.com, she fosters community and spiritual support for those exploring psychedelic experiences.
With expertise as a Psychedelic Herbalist, Soma guides transformative journeys using plant medicines. Additionally, her proficiency in Functional Mushrooms and Nootropics allows her to tailor approaches for mental health and cognitive enhancement. Soma focuses on curating safe, nurturing spaces that harmonize ancient wisdom with modern science, empowering individuals on their unique paths to wellness and self-discovery.

Soma seeks to destigmatize the use of sacred psychedelic medicine in communities of color, who are often most vulnerable to PTSD from the effects of trauma. Soma provides education about the benefits and history of psychedelics to groups lacking access to these valuable resources.
As part of the People of Color Psychedelic Society, Soma is helping to reclaim and highlight the legacy of sacred mushrooms and their use by healers in Huautla de Jimenez Mexico.
“When people are focused on survival in the form of worrying about making ends meet, basic safety concerns, surviving trauma, and the plethora of issues people of color face, there is less motivation to explore the concept of self-realization—a topic seemingly observed for rich white folks.”
Soma Phoenix
Featured in High Times magazine, the group comprised of people of color, women, and queer folk provides support space for sexual assault survivors; recognizes the contribution of underrepresented groups’ work in psychedelic thought, research and activism; and offers educational resources about herbology, plant medicine and healing trauma through psychedelic exploration